What Does the Law Require? What are Possible Consequences? Talk to a Lawyer. Statutory Rape and Sex Offenses in North Carolina The consequences for violating Sex Offense Laws in North Carolina are extremely serious – Bill Powers First-Degree Statutory Rape: Engages in Vaginal Intercourse with Victim Victim is…
Articles Posted in Criminal Defense
Do I Need a Lawyer for Protective Order Violation
What are the Consequences Violating a Court Order? Do I Need a Lawyer for Protective Order Violation? Answering the Question “Do I Need a Lawyer for Protective Order Violation” one would be wise to also consider: Does It Matter if Order is Under NCGS Chapter 50? What about Chapters 50B…
What can be searched during a search warrant?
Is a Warrant Required? What can be searched during a search warrant? Are there Differences in Types of Warrants? Search Warrant is a type of Court Order Authorizes Law Enforcement to Conduct a Search Person, Location or Vehicle Evidence of Crime Confiscate Evidence Seize Person Click Image for Sample…
How Much Do You Know About Traffic Tickets
Press Image to Take Quiz How Much Do You Know About Traffic Tickets? Are Lawyers Always Required? Is Traffic School an Option? Do Prior Tickets Make a Difference? Traffic Laws in North Carolina, especially relating to insurance premiums and how to handle can be complex – Bill Powers While…
Can Police Pat You Down in Charlotte, NC?
What is a Search? Are “Frisks” Legal? When Can Police Pat You Down? . . .[I]t is nothing less than sheer torture of the English language to suggest that a careful exploration of the outer surfaces of a person’s clothing all over his or her body in an attempt to…
Are There Time Limits for Search Warrants?
Are There Time Limits for a Search Warrant in North Carolina? NCGA 15A-258 Must be Executed Within 48 hours from the Time of Issuance Otherwise “Void” Must be marked “Not Executed” Returned without Unnecessary Delay A search warrant is like a bunch of bananas or an apple in the sense…
Protected: When Do They Need a Search Warrant?
Attorney Bill Powers discusses: When Do They Need a Search Warrant in North Carolina? Do I Have Rights? What Are They? Is Consent Required? Are Warrants Always Required? Laws involving Search Warrants are complicated and often fact specific – Bill Powers SEE: The…
What Happens When I Call a Criminal Defense Lawyer?
Attorney Bill Powers answers the Question: What Happens When I Call a Criminal Defense Lawyer? What Does It Cost? How Long Will It Take? What’s the Worst Case Scenario? I often say: Hold Up. Great Questions. Let’s start from the beginning and work through this – Bill Powers…
New North Carolina Expunction of Records Law
The North Carolina General Assembly Ratified and Governor Pat McCrory signed New North Carolina Expunction of Records Law “Senate Bill 233” Effective Date December 1, 2015 Applies to Offenses Filed on or after December 1, 2015 Entitled: An Act to Provide for the Automatic Expunction of Certain Records Charges…
Do I Have to Consent to Search?
Question: “During a Traffic Stop, Do I Have to Consent to Search?” A local North Carolina Police Department recently posted on YouTube a video regarding Traffic Stops: What to Expect as a Motorist. There are some important points to consider: Consent to Search a Vehicle Implies Voluntary Compliance “Consent” is…