
Articles Posted in Criminal Defense


In sex cases what is the difference between civil and criminal court?

In sex cases what is the difference between civil and criminal court? What is the Difference between Civil and Criminal Cases? Are sex offenses different? What are the Statute of Limitations? Are you required to talk to police? What are your legal options? Is a lawyer necessary? Should I cooperate…


NC DUI Checkpoint Law

Checking Stations in Mecklenburg County DWI Checkpoints are relatively common in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.  Many are established by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department CMPD pursuant to the North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program. It is a complicated area of law, controlled both by North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) 20-16.3A  and appellate…


What happens if I am charged with embezzlement?

TAKE THESE CHARGES SERIOUSLY – They can have LONG TERM consequences! What happens if I am charged with embezzlement? What are my options? Is it a Felony or Misdemeanor? What are the long-term consequences? What is the difference between Larceny by Employee? How does it affect my job? Can Employers…


Can I be held in jail waiting for charges

What is an Indictment?  What is a True Bill in North Carolina? Can I be held in jail waiting for charges ?   The short answer is no. If there aren’t charges pending, you can’t be held – Bill Powers  Politely Advise Police You Wish to Say Nothing and REMAIN…


NC Attempted Assault Charges | Criminal Defense Attorney

Does North Carolina Have Attempted Assault? Attempted Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon Inflicting Serious Injury – New North Carolina Crime The North Carolina Supreme Court recently held in State v. Floyd that attempted assault is a recognized crime in North Carolina. The court explained in their decision what the newly…


I need more time to pay fines

How much are Court Costs?  How Long Do I Have To Pay?  I need more time to pay fines   Costs of Court are expensive in North Carolina.  You very well may need some time to pay them – Bill Powers    See More:  2017 Criminal Costs of Court North…


NC Advocates for Justice – I’m Just Sayin’

  NC Advocates for Justice – I’m Just Sayin’   In North Carolina, ‘I’m Just Sayin’ means, I am going to speak the truth, even if it is not popular.  It is, was, and always has been the truth – Bill Powers, President NCAJ    NCAJ Bill Powers  President’s Column…


How To Deal With Underage Alcohol Possession Charges

Illegal Consumption in North Carolina, Legal Options.  Minor with Alcohol, How Does Court Work? How To Deal With Underage Alcohol Possession Charges     Here’s the quick answer: Talk to a Lawyer.  Ask some questions. At Powers Law Firm PA, we offer free, confidential consultations. It doesn’t cost you a penny…


How To Strike an Order for Arrest

Failure to Appear to Court?  What is an OFA?  How To Strike an Order for Arrest in North Carolina OFA stands for Order for Arrest FTA stands for Failure to Appear FTC stands for Failure to Comply   Frankly, when it comes to court, funerals, and weddings, it’s better to…


What Happens Auto Accident and Murder Charges

North Carolina Vehicular Homicide:  What Happens Auto Accident and Murder Charges? What is Second Degree Murder? What is Involuntary Manslaughter? What is Malice? How Does Sentencing Work?   The laws surrounding Murder, Manslaughter, and Vehicular Homicide cases in North Carolina are complex and sometimes confusing – Bill Powers    What…

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