
License Points vs Insurance Points

License Points vs Insurance Points for Traffic Tickets in North Carolina

Traffic tickets in NC, especially if they’re considered moving violations, are often assigned a specific point value.  License Points vs Insurance Points can be a big deal, depending on the type and severity of the traffic ticket. . .and if you’re convicted – Bill Powers 

Insurance points are not necessarily the same as motor vehicle points, although for NC traffic tickets, they’re related at least in part.  It’s also true that the amount of points issued are not always exactly equal.  So for something like passing a stopped school bus ticket, it’s important to consider how the “points” could affect your driver’s license in North Carolina and your insurance premiums.


You may have questions like:

Our defense lawyers are here to provide answers to your questions about traffic tickets and possibly legal representation if we think we can help – Bill Powers


Accumulation of a lot driver’s license points in NC, over a short amount of time, can result in revocation of your license in North Carolina.  It can get pretty complicated, especially if you’ve have a series of traffic tickets in a short amount of time.

That’s why it makes sense to talk to a traffic ticket defense lawyer, experienced handling both minor and serious criminal charges.  We’ll take the time to explain the differences and implications of license points vs insurance points for traffic tickets in North Carolina.


Many people don’t realize the true value of their NC driver’s license.  That’s until they get a letter from the North Carolina Department of Transportation / Division of Motor Vehciles or DMV or their insurance carrier, giving notice of increased insurance premiums.

It doesn’t hurt to seek out legal representation from a law firm when it comes to your NC driver’s license.  Our law office and defense lawyers help people with things like speeding tickets, stop sign tickets, and revoked drivers license or suspended license cases.

We also help with what some people call “drunk driving” or impaired driving charges in North Carolina.  They’re also technically considered a type of traffic ticket, although clearly they’re more serious than your normal speeding citation.

Not all traffic tickets are criminal charges.  In fact, some more minor NC tickets may be referred to as infractions or infraction traffic citations.  On the other hand, there are times where more serious traffic violations in North Carolina could be a misdemeanor or felony, depending on the circumstance.

For example, death by vehicle cases may involve felony vs. misdemeanor charges.  Even a very minor violation of the North Carolina traffic laws may be the legal basis for a misdemeanor death by vehicle, if the legal requirements are met.

It’s also true that certain death by vehicle cases in NC can be felony criminal charges, again, depending on the type of traffic violation and factual scenario of the case.

The defense lawyers at our law office offer a FREE, confidential consultation for criminal cases, traffic tickets, and DUI or DWI charges in Charlotte NC.  It doesn’t matter if they are a felony or misdemeanor in North Carolina, we’re here to help.  – Bill Powers

Experienced defense lawyers normally want to ask a series of questions about your prior driving record or history of traffic tickets.  It’s also important to consider points issued for wrecks or other citations issued associated with accidents.

There are things that criminal defense attorneys in Charlotte NC can do to minimize the impact of traffic tickets that carry license points, sometimes getting them reduced to things that don’t carry license points.  Just like each client is different, each traffic ticket and how to handle that traffic citation can be different too.


Generally speaking, working to limit the number of points on your license is the smart thing to do.  Our goal as defense lawyers is to protect both your North Carolina driver’s license and your insurance, hopefully avoiding an increase to your insurance premiums.

If you have questions about insurance points in NC or driver’s license points, give us a call here at Powers Law Firm PA.

The consultation is always free and confidential for Criminal Defense, traffic tickets, and Impaired Driving Offenses like DWI in Charlotte NC or DUI charges in Rock Hill SC.

We’ll talk with you, see if there’s something we can do to help. If there is, we’ll certainly be happy to do that.


Give us a call at 704-342-HELP.

Bill Powers

For more information about Charlotte criminal defense lawyer Bill Powers, check out:

Helpful Information About Criminal Charges

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