
Carolina Criminal & DUI Lawyer Blog


What Happens If I Have Problems with Probation

Failed Drug Test?  Couldn’t Give a Sample?  Picked Up New Charges?  What Happens If I Have Problems with Probation – How Does It Work?   Probation is a Second Chance.  Violating the Order of the Court can be a big deal – Bill Powers  When it comes to sentencing, North…


What Happens If I Get In Trouble While On Probation?

Can a lawyer or my PO help? Will my probation be terminated? Will I go to jail? If I get in trouble while on probation what happens?   Probation violations can be quite serious. They can result in the revocation of probation and activation of a suspended term in prison…


North Carolina Law Talk – Summer 2016

North Carolina Law Talk – Summer 2016 Attorneys Mike Daisley and Bill Powers discuss developing trends and provide legal commentary on North Carolina Law issues.  If you have general questions about how the legal system works in North Carolina, please feel free to contact Mike and Bill at: Mike Daisley:…


What Happens if I Pay Off Old Tickets

Cleaning Up Your Record.  Dealing with the Courts and DMV.  What Happens If I Pay Off Old Tickets in North Carolina?   The first step is to figure out what is out there on a statewide basis.  One should be careful to consider how tickets can affect one another –…


NC Advocates for Justice – President Bill Powers – Inauguration

Well. . .How Did I Get Here? by Bill Powers Taken from June 20, 2016 President’s Gala speech, Wilmington, N.C. Call it what you will.  Luck.  Common Sense.  Karma.  Providence.  I truly don’t know why I went to Ocean Creek* in 1995.  I don’t what, if frankly ANYTHING, interested me…


How Do I Clean Up My Criminal Record

I Made Some Mistakes in the Past:  What Are My Options? How Do I Clean Up My Criminal Record Sometimes people assume matters automatically drop off a record after the expiration of time While that may be true in some states, North Carolina has specific rules and policies regarding clearing…


Can I Help a Friend in Jail

Posting Bond – Bail – Can I Help My Friend Get Out of Jail? What is Pre-Trial Release? How Is Bond Set? What is the Difference Between Bail and Bond? Who Decides Bonds? When is Bond Set? Can I Visit Someone in Jail? Can I Post a Bond? What Does…


What Happens to Insurance with Tickets

Can My Insurance Company Raise My Rates? What Happens to Insurance with Tickets? If I get a Traffic Violation for going over the Speed Limit do I Need to Appear in Court?   Traffic Tickets, Motor Vehicle, and Insurance Points can be quite complicated.  It doesn’t hurt to consult with a lawyer –…


Can You Get a Limited Privilege

Can You Get a Limited Privilege?  Are You Eligible?  Did You Have a Valid License?  Are There Options?   Obtaining a Pre-Trial Limited Privilege requires careful consideration of the record, prior history, and factual basis of a case.  One should not assume it is automatic or guaranteed  – Bill Powers…


What is the History of a Carolina Slaw Dog?

  Fourth of July Celebrations and Cook Outs: What is the History of a Carolina Slaw Dog? History of North Carolina, Traditions, and Culture North Carolina was first settled in 1587 In 1663, King Charles II awarded to the Lord Proprietors the Province of Carolina The Lord Proprietors sold their…

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