
Carolina Criminal & DUI Lawyer Blog


Search Warrants

Search Warrants are subject to Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. Without “probable cause,” a search is ordinarily deemed “unreasonable” and therefore improper.  As is the case with many legal issues involving criminal charges, there are certain exceptions. Searches of a home or residence invite additional scrutiny by…


Fear of Imminent Serious Bodily Injury and Domestic Violence

Subjective Fear in the 50B Protection Order Context A recent unpublished opinion by the NC Court of Appeals reminds family law attorneys and criminal defense lawyers alike that “fear of imminent bodily injury” is a subjective standard and need not be objectively reasonable. That may come as a surprise to…


The Rev

It’s not always obvious when you meet someone who will change your life.    It may be something as small as a random encounter with a stranger or a smile and kind word at just the right time.    Reverend Jerry Robinson “Influencers,” as the kids nowadays might say, at the spiritual level, are often people you’ve known maybe forever.  …


Recalling Warrants

It happens.  Sometimes people charged with a criminal offense forget about a court appearance and need help “recalling warrants” or striking an Order for Arrest. You may have even been scared and decided not to appear in court on the assigned date, later realizing that only made a bad situation…


Why is Charlotte Crime Out of Control — Part 2

Broken Windows, Broken Lives Social scientists and criminologists understand there exists an inverse relationship between crime rates and the lack of enforcement of criminal laws. It’s called the Broken Windows Theory. The criminological explanation of the social decline theory goes like this. Signs of crime that are readily visible, indicative…


Will Charlotte police ever get the video thing right?

Prior to the passage of HB 972, the “Body Camera Bill” in 2015, there were legitimate concerns about the law and how it would be applied. Given the maelstrom that now exists in the Queen City regarding yet another “officer-involved shooting,” and the lack of transparency in the turning-over of…


How to dress for court

Have an upcoming court appearance? A lot of people don’t have experience with legal matters.  As such, it’s understandable you may not know what to expect, what to do, or how to act in court.  That’s normal. Two of the most common questions we get is, “What should I expect…


Is Drunk Driving Enforced?

News outlets continue to report a spate of DUI wrecks in the Carolinas.  Contrary to the narrative spun by senior law enforcement officials, ride-sharing apps like UBER and Lyft have not eliminated the dangers of alcohol-related wrecks and deaths in Charlotte. Drunk driving fatalities have increased while the number of…


The greatest of these is love

I sat there in church, angry. I tried to quiet my thoughts and focus on the purpose of being there. It was a cavernous sanctuary, which was necessary.  Funerals for young people are well-attended. The vestiges of the Holy Roman Church came back to me without a second thought.  It…

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