
Articles Posted in bill powers charlotte criminal defense lawyer


In sex cases what is the difference between civil and criminal court?

In sex cases what is the difference between civil and criminal court? What is the Difference between Civil and Criminal Cases? Are sex offenses different? What are the Statute of Limitations? Are you required to talk to police? What are your legal options? Is a lawyer necessary? Should I cooperate…


What Happens If I Have Problems with Probation

Failed Drug Test?  Couldn’t Give a Sample?  Picked Up New Charges?  What Happens If I Have Problems with Probation – How Does It Work?   Probation is a Second Chance.  Violating the Order of the Court can be a big deal – Bill Powers  When it comes to sentencing, North…


How Long Does It Take to Get Blood Results

How Long Can a Case Be Continued for Lab Reports? How is Blood Evidence Proven in Court? How Long Does It Take to Get Blood Results? Blood Testing in DWI cases takes time and involves a delicate balance of trial schedules, witness availability, and scientific testing protocols – Bill Powers  What is Chain of…

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