Articles Posted in Criminal Defense

Bill Powers included in SuperLawyers Magazine Top 100 for North Carolina


Powers Included on the 2016 “Top 100” North Carolina Super Lawyers List

Powers Law Firm PA, a Charlotte-Metro law firm, recently received notice two attorneys for the firm have been included in 2016 North Carolina Super Lawyers Magazine.  Bill Powers Included on the 2016 “Top 100” North Carolina Super Lawyers List.

Powers Law Firm PA Included in Best Law Firms List (2)

Powers Law Firm PA Included in Best Law Firms List

Powers Law Firm PA, a Charlotte-Metro based law firm recently received notice it has been included in the 2016 U.S. News – Best Lawyers  ® “Best Law Firms” publication.  The firm has been named a Charlotte Tier 1 “Best Law Firms” for the area of DUI / DWI Defense.  Bill Powers is also listed individually within the The Best Lawyers in America 2016 publication for his work in DUI / DWI Defense and Criminal Defense:  General Practice.

Best Lawyers Award Badge
According to Best Lawyers ®

Santa Beach Vacation
With the holidays fast approaching and the year coming to an end, we normally sit down and start planning the next calendar year.  For attorneys whom practice in the Charlotte-Metro region, we consult the Mecklenburg Court Holiday Schedule and the surrounding districts:

Charlotte Court
The 26th Judicial District in Mecklenburg County is located at 832 E 4th St, Charlotte, NC 28202 and housed within the Mecklenburg County Courthouse.  Here is some useful info on Charlotte Mecklenburg Court Schedules and Calendars:  

Mecklenburg County Court Schedule January through April 2016

Mecklenburg Count Judges Schedule May through August 2016

North Carolina Historic CapitolBurt’s Law  increases punishments for Criminal Abuse and Exploitation in North Carolina.

Chapter 122C of the North Carolina General Statues is entitled the, “Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Act of 1985” and sets forth:

The policy of the State is to assist individuals with needs for mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse services in ways consistent with the dignity, rights, and responsibilities of all North Carolina citizens.

Blood Testing in Fatality Cases
Death by Vehicle Blood Testing in North Carolina involves a certain, although limited, amount of discretion by Law Enforcement.  There are circumstances where blood sampling may be in addition to standard breath-testing on the EC/IR II.

A combination of breath, blood and urine samples may be obtained in appropriate legal circumstances, even if duplicative in nature and would therefore be subject to administrative licensing consequences for failing to comply.

N.C.G.S. 20-141.1 offenses include:

Knowing How Court is Scheduled in North Carolina, and perhaps who CAN I GET MY CASE CONTINUED?holds the reigns, is valuable information.

Some people facing criminal charges in Charlotte would just rather forget about legal troubles or wish they would go away.  

That’s normal.

You’ve completed the application and await your interview.How to answer questions on an application about criminal charges in North Carolina during a job interview

The job is full of rights:  Right Town, Right Position, and Right Salary.  You have the background experience, references, and education.

The phone interview went great, until the person on the other end mentions, “Hey, I’m sure this isn’t an issue for you, but we have to run a background check.  Anything I should know about?”


Can someone be charged with manslaughter for speeding?

While my child at least feigns general interest in my work as a criminal defense attorney, two recent stories seem to have struck a chord.  We have been actively discussing the Oklahoma Homecoming case and it’s complexities.

The most recent local case involves a young woman in Charlotte charged with a felony in the tragic loss of a friend.  Tonight at supper I was peppered with a host of questions:

Driving While Impaired cases are in-and-of-themselves complicated matters for presentation in court.

When coupled with the loss of another human life, the consequences and potential for punishment(s) necessitate a careful examination of the law, facts and procedural history of the on-scene investigation.

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