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We always want to make sure that if somebody comes into our Carolina criminal defense law office, as a potential client, they are treated like a family member. So often people talk about this being a service industry, and yes, it sounds kind of odd because you think about Carolina criminal lawyers having these diplomas on their wall, and you’re saying to yourself, “Well, he’s probably going to talk down and be very patronizing to their clients.” No. If anything, we’re the listeners. We want to make sure that this person’s opinion is very very valued, and it helps us in defending them.


Checking Stations in Mecklenburg County

Checking Stations in Mecklenburg County

DWI Checkpoints are relatively common in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.  Many are established by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department CMPD pursuant to the North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program.

It is a complicated area of law, controlled both by North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) 20-16.3A  and appellate court case law.

Driving While License Revoked in North Carolina - Police Cars at License CheckpointYour license to drive in North Carolina is valuable.  Why you shouldn’t drive while license revoked.

What happens if you’re caught driving on a suspended license?

North Carolina drivers who are convicted of driving on a suspended license face pretty hefty fines and penalties.  Driving while license revoked due to an DWI conviction is even more serious.

Larceny by Employee Embezzlement Criminal Defense in Charlotte NC

TAKE THESE CHARGES SERIOUSLY – They can have LONG TERM consequences!

  • What happens if I am charged with embezzlement?
  • What are my options?


License Suspended?  Need to Drive?  How to prepare a Limited Driving Privilege in North Carolina

Many people don’t realize the true value of a Driver’s License. . .until they lose it –  Bill Powers 

The North Carolina General Assembly gives the North Carolina Department of Transportation / Division of Motor Vehicles the authority to issue, revoke, and suspend Drivers Licenses in North Carolina.

What is an Indictment?  What is a True Bill in North Carolina? Can I be held in jail waiting for charges ?

The short answer is no. If there aren’t charges pending, you can’t be held – Bill Powers 


  • Politely Advise Police You Wish to Say Nothing

Can I Dismiss Charges?  What Happens If I Don’t Want to Prosecute? Do I Get a Say?  Who Decides?

Can you drop the charges? Not really. Can the State choose not to prosecute? Yes, in large measure it’s their decision – Bill Powers

Prosecutors sometimes consider and weigh these case facts before deciding to prosecute an individual:

Can I get more time to comply with Deferred Prosecution?  Do I Need a Continuance?  What are my Options?

You may have to explain the nature and the circumstances of your financial condition and why you need more time – Bill Powers 

  • Court Costs apply in Superior and District Court in North Carolina