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I want to do the right thing.  What happens if I pay old tickets? Why was my license revoked?

If you pay off a ticket while you’re in a period of revocation or suspension, that actually may result in additional period of revocation or suspension – Bill Powers 



NC Attempted Assault Charges and Penalties

Does North Carolina Have Attempted Assault?

Attempted Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon Inflicting Serious Injury – New North Carolina Crime

The North Carolina Supreme Court recently held in State v. Floyd that attempted assault is a recognized crime in North Carolina. The court explained in their decision what the newly recognized law is and how it will work.


North Carolina Advocates for Justice Summer Convention 2017

  • Sea Trail Resort

NCAJ President Bill Powers – Spring 2017 Trial Briefs – Reap a Harvest of Justice for All

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up 

Download Full Article:  Harvest of Justice for All 2017


The Court of Appeals needs and deserves more human resources to do its important work in a timely fashion, not less. Important changes in the judicial system demand careful review – Bill Powers, President NCAJ 


Reduction of Court of Appeals judges should only occur after a request by the Chief Justice and the Administrative Office of the Courts based on solid empirical data – Bill Powers 


Eliminating Court of Appeals Seats in North Carolina

How much are Court Costs?  How Long Do I Have To Pay?  I need more time to pay fines

Costs of Court are expensive in North Carolina.  You very well may need some time to pay them – Bill Powers 


See More:  2017 Criminal Costs of Court North Carolina


Is it a big deal to be charged with underage possession?  Well, that depends on what you think is a “big deal?” – Attorney Bill Powers 

While underage possession of alcohol  charges may not have resulted in an arrest, they can be rather embarrassing in the future, especially if you are applying for a job or even graduate school.

Employers generally prefer not to see anything on a Criminal History or Record; but, how someone responds when they made a mistake can actually make a difference.


NC Advocates for Justice – I’m Just Sayin’

In North Carolina, ‘I’m Just Sayin’ means, I am going to speak the truth, even if it is not popular.  It is, was, and always has been the truth – Bill Powers, President NCAJ 


NCAJ Bill Powers  President’s Column NCAJ