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A DWI conviction in the United States, whether you call it a DUI vs DWI, can have adverse consequences in Canada.  DWI charges and Canada

That may result in preventing access into Canada, as impaired driving may be deemed an offense against the Crown.

That’s a big deal if you’re standing in line at Passport Control, being told you’re being denied entry into the country and have to return to the United States.

What documents are needed for a Pre-trial Limited Driving Privilege? What is a DL-123 form?

An attorney can help explain the process, determine eligibility, and draft the different forms that are necessary for a Pre-Trial Privilege – Bill Powers

What is a Pre-trial Limited Driving Privilege?

How Long Can a Case Be Continued for Lab Reports? How is Blood Evidence Proven in Court? How Long Does It Take to Get Blood Results?

Blood Testing in DWI cases takes time and involves a delicate balance of trial schedules, witness availability, and scientific testing protocols – Bill Powers 

What is Chain of Custody?

What Happens if a Family Member is in Jail?  What Can Parents Do?  How To Help Family with Criminal Charges

Lawyers can help answer questions, provide advice, and give direction – Bill Powers 

If Someone Calls and is in Jail, What Should I Do?

Fail to Appear in Court for a Traffic Ticket?  Missed Court and New Tickets, What Happens

Missing Court is never a good idea. . .but we all make mistakes.  Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away  – Bill Powers

Failure to Appear

How long will I be jailed in North Carolina if I have an arrest warrant in another state?  What are Fugitive and Out of State Warrants?  NC Warrants Info

Fugitive and Extradition Issues are notoriously complex, as are NC Warrants and the criminal charges related to felony or misdememeanor cases in North Carolina – Bill Powers, NBTA Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist 

NC Warrants for ArrestWhat is Extradition in North Carolina?

What is a Pre-Trial Limited Driving Privilege? Am I Eligible to Drive? How to get a Limited Driving Privilege

Under North Carolina Law, and under limited circumstances, the Court may authorize a Pre-Trial Limited Driving Privilege during a period of suspension – Bill Powers

See Sample : Pre-Trial Limited Driving Privilege

Please be careful this Memorial Day

Heads Up:  Operation Click-It-or-Ticket.  Please be careful this Memorial Day Holiday.

We wish all our friends a safe, healthy, and happy holiday weekend.  If you are planning on driving anywhere, heads up:  North Carolina is in the middle of a statewide “Click-It-or-Ticket” campaign.

For the safety of you and your loved ones, please be careful this Memorial Day Holiday – Bill Powers 

Hidden Consequences of a Criminal Record:  What Happens When Convicted of a Felony?  Is One Forever Branded a Criminal?

The etymology of the word “felon” is to some extent uncertain.  In Latin, fel is thought be associated with gall or poison.  Old French defines felon as an evil-doer, scoundrel, traitor, rebel, oath-breaker, and the Devil.

In early English law, a felony could be a crime punishable by death or mutilation and forfeiture of lands and goods.