*For additional information regarding the criterion for inclusion or membership for lawyer associations, awards, & certifications click image for link.

What is the Most Often Cited DWI Evidence

Impaired Driving Testimony.  Manifestations of Alcohol Consumption and Proof.  What is the Most Often Cited DWI Evidence?

Alcohol breath odor is the most frequently cited observation by US police officers in alcohol related traffic offenses – Southern California Research Institute

  • Strength of Odor

What is required for a Pardon

Actual Innocence.  Setting Aside a Jury Verdict and Criminal Conviction.  What is required for a Pardon in North Carolina?

Twenty-seven years behind bars: 9,855 days,  236,520 hours, 14,191,200 minutes locked away in a prison. . .all the while being completely innocent of the charges levied.  That’s what happened to Edward McInnis.

He was accused by law enforcement of a heinous crime.  The Office of the District Attorney at the time reviewed the evidence and prosecuted.  At trial, twelve members of the community found Mr. McInnis Guilty Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.  Afterward the Court Entered Judgment, Committing Mr. McInnis to Prison for what was supposed to be the rest of his life.

Dont It Make Your Brown Eyes Booze

Does Eye Color Indicate Propensity for Substance Abuse?  Are Blue Eyed Humans More Prone to Addiction Issues?  Don’t It Make Your Brown Eyes Booze

There are few greater “truths of court” known and accepted within the legal system than:

A substantial amount, if not a majority, of poor decisions that lead to criminal charges are made during periods of impairment – Bill Powers 

What Does the Law Require?  What are Possible Consequences?  Talk to a Lawyer.  Statutory Rape and Sex Offenses in North Carolina

The consequences for violating Sex Offense Laws in North Carolina are extremely serious – Bill Powers

First-Degree Statutory Rape:

NCAJ Summer Convention 2016

Need CLE?  Want to go to the Beach?  Maybe stay at the Wilmington Riverside Hilton? JusticeCON 2016 SCHOLARSHIP

The JusticeCON Scholarship experience is unparalleled – Bill Powers, President Elect 

The Endowment – Ward Black Law JusticeCON 2016 SCHOLARSHIP provides the chance to attend Summer Convention, which includes:

What are the Consequences Violating a Court Order?  Do I Need a Lawyer for Protective Order Violation?

Answering the Question “Do I Need a Lawyer for Protective Order Violation” one would be wise to also consider:

  • Does It Matter if Order is Under NCGS Chapter 50?

What is a Uniform Citation?  How Do Insurance Points Work?  Can You Go To Court by Yourself? Do you Need a Lawyer for Traffic Tickets?

The adage that ‘a lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client’ is the product of years of experience by seasoned litigators – United States Supreme Court 

Even a skilled lawyer who represents himself is at a disadvantage in contested litigation.  He is deprived of the Judgment of an Independent third party in:

  • Prosecutors may “Orally Dismiss” cases in Open Court
  • District Attorneys (State Prosecutors) may also File Written Notice of Dismissal
  • Clerk of Court required to “record the dismissal”

NCAJ OUT OF THIS WORLDNorth Carolina Advocates for Justice:  Out of This World 

The North Carolina Advocates for Justice is a nonpartisan association of legal professionals dedicated to protecting people’s rights through community, education, and advocacy – Bill Powers, President Elect



Is a Warrant Required?  What can be searched during a search warrant?  Are there Differences in Types of Warrants?

  • Search Warrant is a type of Court Order