Are Charlotte Courts Closed
Bread, Eggs & Milk – Are Charlotte Courts Closed?
Yankees may laugh, but the truth of the matter is, no one can drive on ice. And while the Winter Storm of 2015 may be a non-event for those north of the Mason-Dixon line, at least in Charlotte, North Carolina, when weather gurus predict snow, freezing rain and the most dreaded of all, “BLACK ICE,” it gets people’s attention.
As Boston and the upper East-Coastal states brace for another foot or more of snow due to the latest Nor’Easter, much of the Charlotte-Metro region may be scrambling to make child care, work and personal arrangements with only a chance of freezing temperatures and any form of precipitation.
Can An Attorney Represent Two People
Modified Transcript of “Can An Attorney Represent Two People” for the Hearing Impaired:
**Applies to both civil and criminal matters.
Charlotte Traffic Law Attorney
Modified Transcript of “Charlotte Traffic Law Attorney” for the Hearing Impaired:
Paying off a speeding ticket without talking to an attorney is really not a good idea.
Reasonable Suspicion To Stop
Modified Transcript of “Reasonable Suspicion To Stop” for Hearing Impaired:
. . .By a reasonable and articulable suspicion that the person seized is engaged in criminal activity.
Telling Truth To Lawyer
Modified Transcript of “Telling Truth To Lawyer” for Hearing Impaired:
In criminal cases, whether it’s a DUI or a misdemeanor, even a felony – heck, even traffic tickets – it’s not unusual to have a client later fess up when they’re talking to us in the office and say “I didn’t tell the truth to the officer.” Now, that’s not unusual. People get nervous. They don’t always answer the right way.
No Money For Attorney: Your Guide to Court-Appointed Counsel in NC
Finding yourself on the wrong side of the law can be a frightening experience. Court proceedings, legal jargon, and potential penalties can all feel overwhelming. One of the first questions that likely comes to mind is: “Can I get a public defender or court-appointed lawyer?
This blog post will clear up some of the things you need to know about court-appointed attorneys in North Carolina, including eligibility requirements, the appointment process, and the potential costs involved.
Criminal Charges in NC: Eligibility for Court-Appointed Attorney
Modified Transcript of “How To Retain A Lawyer” for Hearing Impaired:
Retaining an attorney should take more than a two minute conversation on the phone.
Modified Transcript of “DWI Below the Legal Limit” for the Hearing Impaired:
One of the things that we hear about from a lot of our clients, and it’s a great question, is, “Hey, if I am not 0.08 or higher, can they actually hang DWI on me?
Bail, Bonds and Custody NC
Calculating credit for “Pre-Trial Confinement” can be a complicated process. When the accused has either been unable to secure his or her release due to financial hardships or in a matter where “NO BOND” has been set by court officials, “crediting” that time against an imposed judgment becomes an important consideration. § 15A-533. Right to pretrial release in capital and noncapital cases states,
(b) A defendant charged with a noncapital offense must have conditions of pretrial release determined, in accordance with G.S. 15A-534.