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If you’re facing charges related to impaired driving in Charlotte or surrounding areas like Monroe, Statesville or Gastonia, you likely have numerous questions. As experienced defense attorneys, we’ve compiled this comprehensive FAQ to address common concerns and provide valuable insights about impaired driving cases in North Carolina.

A Note on Terminology: DUI, DWI, and Impaired Driving

Before we dive into specific questions, it’s important to clarify some terminology. In North Carolina, you may hear the terms DUI (Driving Under the Influence), DWI (Driving While Impaired or Driving While Intoxicated), and Impaired Driving used interchangeably. 

PODCAST – Law Talk with Bill Powers – Limited Driving Privileges for DWI charges in North Carolina 

Can I get a hardship license?

That’s actually a pretty common question DWI lawyers in Charlotte get. The honest answer isn’t always reassuring.

It depends.

If you have been charged with DWI in Pineville NC, it is important to understand the charges against you and what penalties you DWI lawyers in Pineville NC may be facing.

A DUI DWI conviction can result in a number of serious consequences, including jail time, hefty fines, and a driver’s license suspension.

That is why it is crucial to retain an experienced DUI lawyer who can help protect your rights, review your legal issues, and work to minimize the impact of these charges on your life.

The Journey – Eben Rawls – Living Legend in the Law

More information about Charlotte Lawyer EBEN RAWLS.THE JOURNEY TO BECOMING A LAWYER

Embezzlement Charges in North Carolina – Caselaw Review

In this episode of Law Talk with Bill Powers, we take a look at the case of State v Steele (as written by the Hon. Valerie Zachary) and discuss:

Darrin Jordan - President of the North Carolina State Bar
When attorneys in Rowan County need to keep their legal knowledge up-to-date, the Practical Criminal Law 2021 Continuing Legal Education seminar is the perfect place to be.

This year’s event, which takes place on Friday, December 17, 2021, at the Wallace Educational Forum will be jam-packed with informative presentations from some of the most experienced criminal defense lawyers in the state.

Hosted by President of the North Carolina State Bar, Darrin Jordan, the Rowan Bar Practical Criminal Law Seminar has become the “go to” CLE for criminal defense lawyers in NC

Assault charges can take many different forms from relatively minor allegations of simple assault, to more serious accusations of assault on a female, and assault with deadly weapon inflicting  Assault Charges Lawyers serious injury. 

The State carries the burden of proof for criminal charges. When involving allegations of an “assault,” one of the essential aspects of the evidence must center on whether the District Attorney can prove a criminal assault.  

Interestingly the North Carolina General Statutes do not specifically define what is assault in North Carolina – Bill Powers, Charlotte Criminal Defense Attorney 

Finding the right lawyer for your DWI charges

If you have been charged with driving while impaired (DWI), it is important to know that there are many possible consequences. You may be facing jail time, fines and fees, license suspension or revocation of your driver’s license, community service hours, and more.

Our experienced DWI lawyers can help guide you through the process. We will fight hard to protect your rights and explain your legal options. WithAre you looking for a DWI Lawyer in Charlotte North Carolina DWI charges, we think it’s important to pay careful attention to detail.

Charlotte Criminal Court is once again experiencing a COVID -19 outbreak among courthouse personnel. It is unclear whether those infected with the Coronavirus includeCharlotte Criminal Court CORONAVIRUS SHUTDOWN AUGUST 2021 Courtroom Clerks, Sheriff’s Department Officials, prosecutors, and/or criminal defense lawyers in Charlotte.

Some scheduled matters in Criminal Court in Charlotte (Mecklenburg County – the 26th Judicial District) on Monday, August 9, 2021, and Tuesday, August 10, 2021, will not take place in person.

If you have a pending criminal charge in Charlotte, whether it is a felony or a misdemeanor in Mecklenburg County, it’s a good idea to contact legal counsel immediately to determine whether an appearance is mandated and/or whether a case may be continued.  Some matters requiring mandatory hearings per the NC Criminal Laws may proceed via remote, video hearings through WebEx.

Whether you call it DUI or DWI or even drunk driving, a conviction for impaired driving in North Carolina carries consequences. It’s normal for people Can I get my DUI reduced? to ask, “Can I get my DWI charges reduced or amended to something like reckless driving?”

If you have questions about a pending charge or are dealing with the fallout of a conviction and have issues with your driver’s license and NCDMV problems, call us.

Facing criminal charges alone, whether it’s for a serious felony or even a minor speeding ticket can be tough. That’s especially true if you have little experience with the court system and don’t how things work.