Articles Tagged with charlotte criminal defense

Larceny by Employee Embezzlement Criminal Defense in Charlotte NC

TAKE THESE CHARGES SERIOUSLY – They can have LONG TERM consequences!

  • What happens if I am charged with embezzlement?
  • What are my options?

What is an Indictment?  What is a True Bill in North Carolina? Can I be held in jail waiting for charges ?

The short answer is no. If there aren’t charges pending, you can’t be held – Bill Powers 


  • Politely Advise Police You Wish to Say Nothing


The Court of Appeals needs and deserves more human resources to do its important work in a timely fashion, not less. Important changes in the judicial system demand careful review – Bill Powers, President NCAJ 


Reduction of Court of Appeals judges should only occur after a request by the Chief Justice and the Administrative Office of the Courts based on solid empirical data – Bill Powers 


Eliminating Court of Appeals Seats in North Carolina


Is it a big deal to be charged with underage possession?  Well, that depends on what you think is a “big deal?” – Attorney Bill Powers 

While underage possession of alcohol  charges may not have resulted in an arrest, they can be rather embarrassing in the future, especially if you are applying for a job or even graduate school.

Employers generally prefer not to see anything on a Criminal History or Record; but, how someone responds when they made a mistake can actually make a difference.

Illegal Consumption in North Carolina, Legal Options.  Minor with Alcohol, How Does Court Work? How To Deal With Underage Alcohol Possession Charges

Here’s the quick answer: Talk to a Lawyer.  Ask some questions. At Powers Law Firm PA, we offer free, confidential consultations. It doesn’t cost you a penny – Bill Powers 



What is the Law about Texting and Driving

Is it Legal?  Can I Dial a Number?  What if I’m stopped at a Light? What is the Law about Texting and Driving?

The preliminary numbers aren’t good.  Texting while driving may soon be a leading cause of motor vehicle fatalities – Bill Powers 

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA:

Failed Drug Test?  Couldn’t Give a Sample?  Picked Up New Charges?  What Happens If I Have Problems with Probation – How Does It Work?

Probation is a Second Chance.  Violating the Order of the Court can be a big deal – Bill Powers 

When it comes to sentencing, North Carolina allows the Judge and Probation Officer a considerable amount of discretion in setting the terms and conditions of a Suspended Sentence.

Can a lawyer or my PO help? Will my probation be terminated? Will I go to jail? If I get in trouble while on probation what happens?

Probation violations can be quite serious. They can result in the revocation of probation and activation of a suspended term in prison or jail time – Bill Powers

Probation Violation

What is a Uniform Citation?  How Do Insurance Points Work?  Can You Go To Court by Yourself? Do you Need a Lawyer for Traffic Tickets?

The adage that ‘a lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client’ is the product of years of experience by seasoned litigators – United States Supreme Court 

Even a skilled lawyer who represents himself is at a disadvantage in contested litigation.  He is deprived of the Judgment of an Independent third party in:

Modified Transcript of “How to Retain a Criminal Defense Attorney in Charlotte” for the Hearing Impaired:

I get asked on a pretty regular basis how do you choose a lawyer?

  • What things should you look for?
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