DWI Lawyers Near Me: DUI Attorney Charlotte NC
By: Bill Powers, Criminal Defense Attorney Charlotte NC and DWI-DUI Book Co-Author of the 2017 NC DWI QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE
Comparing DWI Lawyers for Your North Carolina DWI DefenseMost North Carolinians already know that DWI cases pose a high level of difficulty, by virtue of tough North Carolina DWI laws. Many will enter their zip code and query “DWI lawyers near me,” in an attempt to locate nearby law offices in Charlotte NC. The location of your choice for a criminal defense lawyer should be one of the least important criteria, and definitely behind experience level, legal industry awards and criminal law practice accolades.
Special DWI Police Training Courses Hone Criminal Defense Attorney SkillsThe crime of driving drunk (driving while intoxicated or driving while impaired – DWI) is a frequently-accused criminal offense, for which experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense lawyers in NC are sought. Some people narrow their search to a Charlotte DWI lawyer who has taken additional training and even instructed other lawyers, law enforcement officers and legal professionals on the internal functions and limitations of the breathalyzer used for a DWI case in North Carolina [Intoximeter EC-IR II].
Plus, an NC DWI attorney should be taking advance-level courses on fighting the non-scientific field sobriety tests published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Most DWI arrests in NC involve these common denominators for a driving under the influence case, and this training is essential to a comprehensive DUI defense.