“Some police officers do little more than write traffic tickets. They spend their entire day (or night) patrolling, looking for speeders and other traffic violations, and issuing traffic citations. It’s nothing personal. It would be a mistake to think they lose much sleep after pulling you over.”
Bill Powers
How can Traffic Lawyers in Charlotte NC Help?
Law enforcement spends their days enforcing the NC traffic laws and writing citations. Prosecutors “prosecute” the law. It’s not their job to provide legal advice or give people a break. Not only will the DA NOT give legal advice or explain how tickets affect insurance premiums, it’s against the law for them to do so.
The defense attorneys at our law office are your COUTROOM ADVOCATES who carefully consider things like your prior driving history, including at-fault wrecks, driving school, PJC, reductions, and the overall severity of the traffic citation or motor vehicle offenses. Traffic lawyers work hard to avoid increased insurance premiums and loss or suspension of your NC driver’s license due to too many tickets or motor vehicle points.
And so, while everyone may seem to have an idea on how to handle NC traffic tickets, when the rubber hits the road, when you’re sitting in court waiting to talk to the District Attorney or Judge, that’s when a lot of people start asking themselves, “Is it a good idea to defense myself in court?”
What’s more, there are some traffic tickets that are not only misdemeanor criminal charges in North Carolina, but if serious enough, you can actually get arrested and taken to jail. If you or a loved one has been cuffed and stuffed, handcuffed, placed in the back of the patrol car, and taken to jail, it likely is starting to become clear how important a defense lawyer may turn out to be.
Many, if not most, DUI charges in North Carolina start as a “simple traffic ticket” and result in very serious criminal charges. If your NC driver’s license is important to you, your work, and your job, retaining legal representation may be your best, first step.
Who Is the Cheapest Traffic Lawyer in Charlotte NC? No one wants to pay too much for anything. That holds true for lawyers as well. It looks easy to handle a ticket. And unfortunately a lot of people listen to the “free legal advice” offered by friends or try to split the difference and hire the cheapest lawyer out there.”
Bill Powers
Do yourself a favor. If you are going to retain legal counsel for a Charlotte traffic ticket, do a little research. Find out who is experienced. Ask what type of professional credentials they possess. How long have they practiced law? And have they ever done anything other than handle administrative court? Why is the legal fee so low?
“As a defense attorney in North Carolina you can’t always take whatever the State is giving, just to avoid a trial setting. Police don’t attend traffic court in Charlotte NC. Sometimes you have to be willing to take the matter to court, to talk with the police officer to confirm they can make a case, to challenge the basis of the stop or the legality of the citation, and do what’s best for the client, not what’s easiest or the most expedient or what takes the least amount of time as a lawyer.”
Bill Powers
At our law office we provide a free consultation for felony or misdemeanor criminal charges. The defense attorneys are willing to take the time to listen to your concerns, review the important supporting documentation like a NC driver’s history (driving record) and advise you of the most appropriate manner in which to proceed.
“Our law office telephone number represents who we are. We are here to help clients in times of need. Sometimes that means standing shoulder-to-shoulder with criminal defense and traffic law clients in court. The office number is 704-342-4357.”
Bill Powers
If you have legal questions or concerns about your traffic tickets in Charlotte NC or one of the surrounding criminal court buildings in Monroe NC in Union County or Statesville in Iredell County or Gastonia in Gaston County or Salisbury in Rowan County, we’re here to help.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple speeding ticket or something more serious like criminal charges for felony or misdemeanor cases, the consultation is both confidential and free of charge.
Call NOW 704-342-4357. We’ll explain your legal rights, the consequences of a conviction for the traffic ticket, and the possible increase to insurance premiums or effects on your driver’s license.
Bill Powers is a the managing partner of Powers Law Firm PA and has substantial experience as NC criminal defense attorney, helping clients in Charlotte, North Carolina, Monroe in Union County, Mooresville and Statesville in Iredell County, Rowan County, Salisbury, NC, and Gastia NC criminal charges.
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